Mr Vishwesh Kulkarni
Chairman – Yashaswi.
Mr Vishwesh Kulkarni is an industry professional with diverse and extensive experience of over 30 years in the HR realm by providing wide range of Recruitment and Selection services to diverse companies. He is equally passionate about the cause of education. He has implemented India's first dual education model namely "Learn & earn" for which Yashaswi has been awarded as a "Best Skill Initiative" in India by National Skill Development Agency, Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, Govt. Of India. Currently he is the National President for National Institute of Personnel Management(NIPM), a member of All India Board of Technician Education, AICTE and an Independent Member – Minimum Wages Advisory Board, Govt. Of Maharashtra.
From his desk…
At Yashaswi, we always believe that education at individual level raises self-esteem and furthers opportunities for employment and earnings. And for a country, it helps strengthen institutions within societies, drives long-term economic growth, reduces poverty, and spurs innovation. As the whole world is going through an authentically global crisis, it is also a global turning point. Today the world is facing a learning crisis. While there have been discussions of 21st century competencies that the young minds will need to flourish in a future economy, one in which some of the jobs have not been even invented yet. As the needs of business and society have changed, our emphasis is to imbibe innovative, analytical and visionary skills in the young minds and prepare them for the unforeseen challenges. With the changes, the institute has also evolved and continues to bring about positive changes to prepare future managers for an expanded role in the business world.
With the ever changing and ever evolving management education, we too have evolved and developed extensive modern teaching methodologies that transforms ideological thinking to practical thinking that lead to ideas that are out of the box and triggers creativity. Our faculty is continuously engaged in academic research, corporate trainings and industry consultancy assignments for keeping abreast with times Yashaswi's IIMS aims at creating an exciting and engaging environment for students to pursue their studies as well as engage in activities that will make them successful human beings.
As we successfully complete 12 years of academic excellence, we renew our commitment time and again to uplift the standard of education and to establish ourselves as a reputed and valuable contributor to the society. It is my great pleasure to welcome the highly talented generation of today to become a part Yashaswi Education Society's 'International Institute of management Science.
Mr Vishwesh Kulkarni
Chairman – Yashaswi.